In this special FIRST lesson you will learn:

  1.  Vocabulary for social interactions 

  2.  Airport-Related vocabulary

  3. Legal travel Documents vocabulary

  4. Plane boarding vocabulary

  5. Vocabulary to locate specific places in an airport

  6. Luggage related vocabulary

     In this special SECOND lesson you will learn:

  1. Work terms

  2. Art terms

  3. Fascinating areas of Mexico City

  4. Necessary urban transportation vocabulary

  5. Handy baggage terms

 In this special THIRD lesson you will learn:

  1. Airport terms

  2. Vocabulary for family members

  3. Numbers vocabulary

  4. Directions vocabulary

  5. Airport vocabulary 

  6. Vocabulary about time 

 In this special FOURTH lesson you will learn:

  1. Social street courtesies

  2. Urban tourism vocabulary

  3. Vocabulary for family members

  4. Jobs and professions vocabulary

  5. Local cultural eras vocabulary

  6. Architecture vocabulary

 In this special FIFTH lesson you will learn:

  1. Days of the week vocabulary

  2. Architectural parts of a house vocabulary

  3. Urban transportation vocabulary

  4. Time-Related vocabulary

  5. Color vocabulary

  6. Social courtesies

 In this special SIXTH lesson you will learn:

  1. Market shopping vocabulary

  2. Mexican food names 

  3. Food description vocabulary 

  4. Lifestyles vocabulary

  5. Long distances vocabulary

  6. Conversational vocabulary

 In this special SEVENTH lesson you will learn:

  1. Food items vocabulary

  2. Flavors of food vocabulary

  3. Color vocabulary

  4. Market shopping vocabulary

  5. Conversation courtesies

  6. Applied possessive pronouns


In this special EIGHT lesson you will learn:

  1. Cooking temperatures vocabulary

  2. Cooking utensils vocabulary 

  3. Cooking terms

  4. Conversational vocabulary

  5. Cooking-Related adjectives and nouns

  6. Flavors vocabulary

 In this special NINTH lesson you will learn:

  1. Social introductions vocabulary

  2. Foods and beverages vocabulary

  3. Familial vocabulary

  4. Table conversation vocabulary

  5. Professions vocabulary 

  6. Time terms vocabulary 

In this special TENTH lesson you will learn:

  1. Professions vocabulary

  2. Urban distances vocabulary

  3. Architectural vocabulary

  4. How to describe past events and things

  5. Itinerary vocabulary

  6. Departure courtesies

In this special ELEVENTH lesson you will learn:

  1. Vocabulary to describe distances

  2. Family relationships 

  3. Time-Related vocabulary

  4. Professions vocabulary

  5. Transportation options vocabulary

  6. Cell phone terms

In this special TWELFTH lesson you will learn:

  1. Mexican food vocabulary

  2. Space descriptions vocabulary

  3. Vocabulary related to working pets

  4. Numbers vocabulary 

  5. Cell phone vocabulary

  6. Photography vocabulary

In this special THIRTEENTH lesson you will learn:

  1. Musical notes

  2. Evening courtesies

  3. Morning courtesies

  4. Technology vocabulary 

  5. Personal vocabulary

  6. Family vocabulary

In this special FOURTEENTH lesson you will learn:

  1. Hospital vocabulary

  2. Family vocabulary

  3. Greetings

  4. Building description vocabulary

  5. Personal vocabulary

  6. Names 

In this special FIFTEENTH lesson you will learn:

  1. Conversation courtesies

  2. Applied past tense vocabulary

  3. Amounts vocabulary

  4. Creative work conversations

  5. Days of the week vocabulary

  6. Technology vocabulary 

In this special SIXTEENTH lesson you will learn

  1. Greetings

  2. Clothing vocabulary

  3. Color vocabulary

  4. Family vocabulary

  5. Architectural and technical descriptions

  6. Feelings vocabulary