Distance terms for travelers
Always, another language brings in another culture, and that might be one of the most fascinating sides of the experience!
Here you will learn (or remember) some “distance” terms from the Mexican Spanish culture, that will come in handy when you travel (or converse) with Spanish speakers :D
“Un kilómetro” = “10,000 meters”
Did you KNOW that when you DEFINE street urban distances between 2 points in Mexico, you’ll use the term “cuadras”?
For instance: Mi casa está a una CUADRA de distancia: A CUADRA starts on 1 street, and ends at the next street (and on and on); so if it “está a una CUADRA de distancia”, mi casa is not beyond the next block!
KILÓMETRO messures the lenght of 10,000 metres; and it’s obviously used to define longer distances (as, in English, you would define a longer distance in “miles”.)
For instance: Para ir al río, camino 1 kilómetro = To go to the river, I walk 10,000 meters ;)