Welcome to PrestoBilingua!
This 16 weeks delightfully engaged with PrestoBILINGUA! learning for beginners/intermediate students, will let you experience yourself speaking Spanish/more Spanish, when you travel! We are thrilled for you –and here, to help you soar Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!. – Leticia Ortiz de Huber
6 Dark Secrets to SPANISH Speech….UNVEILED!!!!
¡CARAMBA, SANTA! Speaking SPANISH as the natives do, can be easy and fun if we remember that: Most of the Spanish letters only have 1 sound, and that such sound does not change when we speak. VOWEL sounds are of great importance in the Spanish speech: ENOUNCE YOUR VOWELS, and you’ll sound “Spanish”. Isn’t that…
Rejoice! There is a language in which: There are ONLY 5 sounds for vowels (and, per se, they DON’T ever change!.) Enunciation is tremendously easy! -since most of your attention -when pronouncing words- needs to ONLY concentrate in enunciating 5 vowels loud and clear! This convenient language is called…”Spanish!” Here, are those 5 darling Spanish…
ONLY Spanish has a verb of this CALIBER!
Among English, French, Italian and Spanish, ONLY Spanish has THIS profound, amazing, philosophical VERB. It’s a verb, so important, that it DEFINES you . It DESCRIBES that in you, that does NOT change. For instance: “I’m Mexican”, “I’m a woman”, “I’m 5′ 3″ tall”. “I’m dark skinned”. “I’m a mother”. “I’m a writer”. I’m…
DID they?, ARE they?, or WILL they now? – (or… the regular verbs in “ar” ;)
INDICATIVE MODE PERSON PRONOUNS ROOTS ENDINGS PRESENT PAST FUTURE “AR” VERBES 1a. singular yo cant ar o é aré cantar 2a.singular tú/vos danz ar as/áis aste/ásteis arás/aréis danzar 3a. Singular ella/él/usted bail ar a ó á bailar lleg ar llegar 1a. PLURAL nosotros repos ar amos amos aremos reposar 2a. PLURAL ustedes/vosotros invent…